So my last day in Disney world (well at least in the parks) we went to Magic Kingdom. This is one of my favorite parks of all. I got to do alot of things that i've never done before like.... ride the magic carpets of Aladdin...Mickey's Philharmagic (loved this one) some of the Disney Princesses...ride Pirates of the Carribbean....Buzzlightyear's Space Commander ride... eat at Tony's ( the resturant's theme is Lady and the Tramp. And plus i got to do the teacups and the other rides that i can't remember right now.
Ready to hit the Magic Kingdom...
Me with Daisy..
My favorite Chipmunks...
Magic Carpets..
Spending some time with the Princesses
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Magic Kingdom
Posted by Becca at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 06, 2008
So onto my day at Epcot. Well after we got through the gate, one of the workers said someone was on the phone for was Goofy singing happy birthday. He noticed my big happy birthday was great having my bday for a whole week instead of just one day. We did ALOT at Epcot so it was a very long but fun filled day. We went on the Mission Space ride (which of course i went in the chicken line), there was no way i was going to do the real thing and feel the G(gravity) forces. The chicken verison was still intense and i actually got a bit scared during part of it. We also went on "Soarin", it's a ride that makes you feel like you're flying over california. At one part of the ride you can even smell the orange blossoms. It's one of my new favorites at Epcot.
My mom and I took a crash course on how to drive a segway. If you look to the left in the second picture you will my mom getting on her segway.I've always wanted to ride one and i finally had the chance so i couldn't pass this up. It was soo much fun. I never realized how sensitive they are, you barely have to move for the segway to move. Just the littlest amount of pressure and you're off. I think it would be so cool to have one around but they're alot of money.
One of my favorite parts of epcot is where they have the Seas with Nemo and friends. It's soo cool how they have all the characters around...and the segalls who keep saying "Mine..Mine..Mine". I LOVED Turtle Talk with Crush!!
So after we went through everything in the front of Epcot, we headed for the World Showcase. I love walking through all the different countries. And that month they were having " the food and wine festival". So you could try different foods from all these different places. There was ALOt to chose from, i waited till we were in Italy and got some Ziti and Tiramissu....oh was it yummy. Then we went to the French Bakery and got pasteries which were also very yummy. And then we had to find our spots for the "Illummnations Fireworks". Here's a camera doesn't record the it just the fireworks.
Posted by Becca at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Hollywood vacation continues
So the day after my bday we went to spent most of the day in Hollywood Studios. But before we went there we went back to Animal Kingdom, to see the Finding Nemo Musical. I highly recommend seeing this if you're there and never have seen it cause it is incredible. If you love Nemo you'll love it.
This day was the first day i got to wear my "Happy Birthday" pin. If it's your bday you can get this big pin with your name on it....and everyone wishes you happy bday or sometimes sings happy bday to you. I wore mine the whole week. So when we went into Animal Kingdom, one of the workers at the gate sang happy bday to me....the funny thing was he couldn't sing. He sounded like Scuttle from the Little Mermaid. He made us laugh so hard. And later when we were in Hollywood studios, another worker, saw me and bowed...and said Happy Birthday princess. And later on we saw him again, and he bowed. It was a lot of fun getting all that attention.
So at hollywood studios, we walked around some more, did the Muppets 3d ride, the star tours (which my mom really liked), saw the Narnia thing, which i was kinda disappointed with. I think they need to turn it into some kind of ride or something. I can't remember what else we did at the moment. But here are some pictures from that day.....
Posted by Becca at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Downtown Disney
So our first real day mom and i went to Downtown Disney and walked around in the chilly rain. We actually went to the House of Blues for their Gospel Brunch...that was definately an experience. They had so much amazing good food, and then after we eat for awhile it was time to have church...gospel style. After the brunch we walked around some more. And then took a bus to the Grand Floridian (which is like the most amazing hotel at disney) and looked around. And since we were so tired from all the walking, we rode the monorail for awhile. Then went back to Downtown disney for dinner at rain forest cafe.
Posted by Becca at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Turning 30 in Disney
So I'm finally getting around to posting some of my pics from my disney trip. I think this was the best birthday EVER and i will never forget it. We went to all of the parks. I spent my birthday in Animal Kingdom, which is now my new favorite park, besides Magic Kingdom. There was so much to see there.....we saw the lion king show, did the bugs life ride, went down the rapids and got completely soaked, went on safari...and also did ALOT of walking. then that evening we went to the beach club for my bday dinner and afterwards walked around the boardwalk. It was a great day!! So here are pics from animal kingdom.....
Here's my mom and me..
This was one of the singers from The Festival of the Lion King show..which was really awesome!!
Wanna go for a ride??
Here's a baby giraffe we saw on the safari...she's only 5 months old...aww soo cute
Look at the elephant family.....isn't the baby cute??
Naptime anyone??
Another picture of the beautiful tigers....
Posted by Becca at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 01, 2008
I've got music!!!
Well my blog has music's just a mix of my some of my favorite artists and bands. So enjoy!
Posted by Becca at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Disney World here i come
So today i'm off to Disney World to celebrate my 30th birthday. My mom and I are spending a whole week there. I was so excited last night that i couldn't fall asleep till around 2, so i'm pretty tired right about now. Anyway i'm planning on taking a lot of pictures while i'm gone and there will probably be plenty to write about when i get back. So bye till then.
Posted by Becca at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Ebay and Etsy
About a month ago i started selling some things on ebay. I listed some of my shawls that i made, and some books. Well i sold one of my shawls, and both books that i listed plus a cell phone. So i'm really enjoying selling things on ebay.
But last week a girl in my youthgroup told me about another site that's like ebay, but it's spefically for selling handmade's called And it's actually cheaper to sell on there then to sell on ebay. And the cool thing is that automatically creates your own store. So i decided that i was going to sell my crochet items on etsy instead of ebay, and see how it goes. So if anyone is interested you can find my etsy store at'm calling it 'Princess Becca Jeanne's Crochet Boutique". I only have 4 items for sale right now, but i'll be adding more as i get more done. So feel free to check it out.
Posted by Becca at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Reagan David!!
Today is my nephew's 6th birthday!!! I can't believe that he is 6 already...i still remember my trip to Maryland to be there for his birth. And i remember being at the hospital with my sister playing cards with her until Warren came back from lunch, hopeing and praying that she could wait to have Reagan until he came back. And she did. I remember going out with my mom and Riley..reagan's big brother, to Build a Bear so that riley could make him a special bear. And when we got back to the hospital, Reagan had arrived.
Reagan i just you to know how precious you are to me. You are so special and unique. There are so many things that i love about you. You always can make me laugh and put a smile on my face. I love being your aunt!! I love you Reagan and am proud of you! I hope you have a special fun filled day! I can't wait to see you and share part of it with you.
Posted by Becca at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Youthcamp in the mountains
so i'm back from youthcamp and back from the beautiful mountains. We had perfect weather and it actually got cold at night...i loved it. Overall youthcamp went pretty good..our new youth pastors did a great job and the kids had a great time. I'm still recovering from camp due to the lack of sleep (staying on the floors as all of the girls...the last night some of the girls were break dancing down the hallway...the night before they were doing cartwheels)...and majorally pushing myself beyond my limits. I didn't take alot of pictures but here are a few...
Four Way Tug of War
Here's me with a few of the girls...Jana and Evie
Posted by Becca at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
From the Beach to the Mountains
It's after midnight as i write this and i should really be asleep right now. But it's been about a month since my last post, so i figured i'd let everyone know what i've been up to.
I spent last weekend in Myrtle Beach for the FIRE Ladies Retreat. We stayed at the Embassy Suites Kings Plantation Resort. It was soooo nice. We were right on the beach and also had 3 pools, 4 hot tubs, a waterpark, and lazy river to enjoy. So there's was plenty to do there. And we didn't have much of a schedule, so we had a lot of free time to just relax. Here's my friend Beth, Crystal (roomie) and me on the 20th floor of the hotel.
Here's Crystal and Adrienne playing in the pool
And tomorrow i leave for the mountains...for youth camp. We're taking 40 please pray for lots of grace for me and the rest of the leaders. This is also the first camp with our new youth pastors...i never posted about this yet, but recently our youth group has been going through ALOT of changes and transistion. We had a bunch of the leaders leave, and just about a month ago our youth pastor stepped down. Actually tonight was their last was sad. Anyway there's been a lot of shifting. So please just pray for our youth group, that this transition will be smooth.
Well i really need to get to i'll post more about camp and hopefully some pictures when i get back.
Posted by Becca at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Desert Song
" This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides
This is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved of more worth then gold
So refine me Lord through the flame
I will bring praise, I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain
I will rejoice I will declare
God is my victory and He is here
This is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on its way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise i'll stand
All of my life, In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship"
(Desert Song by Brooke Fraser)
Posted by Becca at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Move That Bus!!
For the last week, Extreme Makeover Home Edition has been here in Charlotte, doing a house. So yesterday my mom and i went for the "big reveal". It was so awesome to be there for it!!!! It was really hot and there were alot of people passing out...the news side 30 people passed out, 3 of which went to the hospital. I'm still surprised at how well i did. I didn't start feeling sick or like i was gonna pass out till the very end.
So back to the reveal...we got to the site around 12 and the reveal was scheduled for 1ish. They had to run through practices...and even had the practice limo drive up so we could practice screaming and yelling move that bus. Well then the reveal kept getting pushed back. And finally we were told that around 3 they were hopeing to do it. Meanwhile, we saw some the designers walking around.
And we got to watch Ty do a few practices...that was funny. Before that he ran down the side of the street and high five everyone....Ty high fived me!!!! I was on the phone with my friend when this was going on and screamed. It was awesome!!!! AFter the reveal, Ed one of the designers signed autographs, so he signed my shirt.
So around 3 the real reveal happened. It was great watching the family react to the house. The mom was jumping up and down and screaming.
So here are some pics....
Here's the house
here's the back of the bus
the limo bringing the family in
Ty is getting ready to welcome the family
Here's the family
Here's Ed signing autographs
Posted by Becca at 8:26 PM 0 comments