Well I've been back from my incredible vacation for almost a week now....it's hard to believe. I took alot of pics and have alot to say so this will be the first of many posts about vacation. I really love the Bahamas so much that i've decided that it's my new favorite place. Just look at how beautiful it is??? Don't you just want to go relax in one of those chairs and enjoy the view??? i know i wouldn't mind hopping on a plane right now and go hideout there for another week. For the most of the time the weather there was great, except that it was extremely hot and humid...and on a our last night it thunderstormed really bad...looked like a hurricane was coming through. It took awhile for me to get used to the heat. We had a direct flight to Freeport (Bahamas), so it only took a few hours to get there. Once we got there we had most of the day left to enjoyed. While we were waiting to check in our resort we went the resturant that's on the beach and had Bahama Mama's( no alcholic) and some snacks. We just sat there and enjoyed the sight of the palm trees and the ocean. I couldn't believe that we were really there.
After we were all checked in and settled we walked around the resort to explore and i discovered this wonderful hammock by the pool. It was in the perfect spot...beneath two palm trees and right by the edge of the pool. I love hammocks!!!! Later on we went took the water ferry over to Port Lucaya...had dinner at the Harbour Room (which i'll write about later) and walked around.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Bahamas....My New Favorite Place
Posted by Becca at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
My Puppy in the Bahamas
So you're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about. Well a few years ago my wonderful nephews, Riley and Reagan got me a puppy stuff animal for my birthday. I asked Reagan what i should name it and he said "Puppy". So her name is Puppy. Anyway i thought it would be fun to bring her with me on my vacation to the Bahamas and take pictures of her doing different things. So Riley and Reagan this post is especially for you and i hope you enjoy the pictures. And for everyone else incase you're wondering, i'll be posting some pictures and stuff from the bahamas soon...the next on my list. So here we go... Here is Puppy getting ready to enjoy a nice long soak in the jacquzzi tub. she really needed it cause she spent several hours stuff in a suitcase on the way to the Bahamas. She's a good puppy and didn't complain much..she was just so happy to go on vacation.
After a long hot day, spending time at the pool and the beach, and walking around Port Lucaya...Puppy was usually pretty tired and loved to sleep on the big bed.
Puppy loved to find a place in the shade to keep cool when it got really hot. Here she is in her hideout outside of our room.
One of her favorite places to go was to the pool and just relax in the sun or swing in the hammock under some palm trees. And when she got really hot she enjoyed jumping in the pool and going down the waterslide. So puppy had a great time in the Bahamas and would loved to go again someday. I think it's her favorite place she's been so far.
Posted by Becca at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I saw it!!!
I saw "Prince Caspian" last night!!!! I went with my roomies. I loved it and thought it was really good. They had some great new characters. But the movie was more violent then the last one, and had one scene involving the White Witch that really freaked me out.( think it would scare young kids)..i had to look away. I don't want to say too much about the movie because i don't want to give away anything for those of you who haven't seen it yet. Overall it was definately worth seeing.
Posted by Becca at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Bahamas here i come!!
So this time tomorrow..i'll be on a plane headed to the Bahamas. I'm so super excited...I've never been before. My mom is taking me and we'll be there for a week...actually 7 nights and 8 days. I can't believe that we're going to be there that long....wahoo!!! So i'm not sure if i'll be posting while i'm there cause i don't know what the internet/wireless setup there is like...so we'll see. I do plan on writing while i'm there so i'll definately be posting more when i get back.
Oh by the way about the Smoothie Contest that i want to enter....i'm having a hard time with their website so i'm not sure if i'll be able to enter or not. I tried yesterday and submitted my entry but it kept saying that there was some kind of mistake..so i'm tried again like 20 more times and it still did the same thing. So i'm going to give it one last shot today..i think the deadline is the 25th or something. Hopefully this time it will work.
Posted by Becca at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Still awake
Well it's a little after 1am and I'm still awake. The question is why in the world am i still awake??? The past few nights i've been having a hard time sleeping. Last night i didn't fall asleep till around 3am. Most of the time it's because im in some kind of pain but tonight i'm actually feeling okay. I'm wide awake so i'm hopeing that writing this blog will make me sleepy.
This week has been a calm semi boring week. I'm been trying to get ready for my vacation ...im leaving on sunday for the Bahamas. My mom is taking me and we're going to be there for a whole week. I'm so super excited! So to get ready for the trip, my mom's been taking me shopping and i've gotten some new clothes and stuff. And tomorrow i'm going for a manicure and a pedicure...wahoo!
So like i said i'm sooooooo excited about this vacation. I can't wait to escape reality for awhile and relax. To be real honest i'm really drained from dealing with everything that has been going on in my life. I really need this vacation.
Posted by Becca at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Need some help please!!
Well i said that i would be posting more and haven't yet...so here's some news. I'm going to be entering " The Ultimate Smoothie Recipe" Contest that Marthastewart.com and The Why Milk Campaign are running. There's a grand prize of $1,000 and a few other prizes that include a really fancy blender. So i need some help with nameing my smoothie. The one i'm entering has every kind of berry there is (strawberries, rasperberries, bluberries, blackberries), Pina Colada Juice, and of course milk...that's not all the ingredients...I don't want to give away my recipe. So if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know. Thanks!
Posted by Becca at 3:41 PM 0 comments