Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fantasy Lake

Last Weekend we took our youth group to Fantasy Lake Waterpark in Fayettville. I never heard of it before our youth pastor told us about it. But this place is really neat. It this waterpark based on this man made lake and has all kinds of waterslides and some other extreme things to do in the water. For example they have a jump tower..where you climb up this tall ladder to the top and then just jump into 10 feet of water.

Then they have Tarzan Swings, which are these long rope swings that are up really high. And once you climb up the ladder and get to the platform..

.you grab the rope jump out ..

you start swinging across the water and then jump off.

It sounds and looks pretty easy right? Well I thought it did, so i decided to be brave and give it a shot. Climbing up the ladder was almost enough to do me in. Then once i stepped on the platformed and looked down and saw how high i was ..i had second thoughts. And then realized that the only way down at this point was to either go through with it or just jump off the platform cause you couldn't go back down the ladder. So i jumped and grabbed the rope..unforunately i jammed my finger in the process of grabbing the rope and couldn't get a hold of it down i went....falling..crashing into the water. I don't remember much just that i think i did a back flop in the water. I was lucky enough to have just sprained my finger and not injured myself anymore.