Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I need ice

Well this morning i went to the er once again. This will be my 3rd trip to the er in just over a week. And it's my 6th trip to the hospital in the last few months. I had to have the rabie shots done after all, plus since i haven't had a tentus shot in a very long time, they decided to do that one too. So right now i'm in alot of pain and am extremely sore. I need to get some ice soon. I just really feel weird right now.

Well on a lighter note, after we were done at the ER.MY friend Jen and I went to Red Robin. It's a new resturant that just open this week. there are red robins in the north where i'm from, so i haven't been to one in a while. I loved it!! It's a really cool place and the food is great. Both of us were straving cause we hadn't had anything to eat yet, and by the time we got to the restruant it was going on 3pm. We both had "Freckled Lemonade", which is lemonade with real strawberries in it. and i got some kind of italian chicken sandwhich. It was messy but good!

So that was my adventure for today! Wonder what will happen tomorrow?