Sunday, November 13, 2005

Lessons from a Little Chicken

Well i saw Chicken Little yesterday and absolutely loved it. Not just because it was funny and cute ( it really was) but i really learned somethings. I'm not sure how else to put it.

for those of you who saw the movie, there was one pharse that Chicken Little kept saying throughout the movie especally during the beginning. "Today is a new day". Well for some reason that's been sticking with me. It made me think of a few scriptures, like " this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it" and the verse that talks about the Lord's mercies being new every morning. So today (or should i say tomorrow cause it's in the middle of the night as i'm writing this) is a new day. And it doesn't matter what kind of situation i find myself in. It doesn't matter if i'm sick and sometimes feel like i have no strength to fight, each day is a new day, and i can find something to rejoice in. God is still God and He is still good! He is always faithful regardless and his mercies are new every morning!!!

So Today is a new day!!!