Friday, January 22, 2010

Life Lessons Part 2...The Quilt

Recently i shared something at a women's meeting at my church and i thought i'd post what i shared in hopes of encouraging someone else. One of the themes of the night was "the quilt" God takes the most difficult things we go through and make something good out of it.

When i was first asked the share, automatically my mind went to the time when i had to first go on disability. The prior 10 months had been extremely difficult for me and having to go on disablity just was the straw the almost broke the camel's to speak. At first it was ok ..i did need a bit of a break but after a month it was starting to get old real quick. I found myself becoming jealous with my friends because they all had good jobs, in ministry or on the mission field doing what God had called them to do....and here i was not being able to do anything. I felt like God had put my life on hold. When i was first diagnoised with the heart condition i was 25 an age where the average person could do whatever they wanted. I couldn't see how God could ever use this season of my life.

It was during the season that i learned how to crochet and i ended up making blankets for the children's hospital. And now i'm able to volunteer there and bless the families there.

But even more then that.. I'm starting to see how God can take the seasons of our lives that we think are the darkest times in our lives, and make them into something beautiful. The past 6 years has been one big dark valley but God keeps giving me grace to push through it. And I'm finally starting to see the bigger picture..well at least a tiny part of it.
