Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ode to Holly

You're probably wondering who Holly is? Well Holly is the funny cat that is laying down on my desk, right next to my laptop as i'm writing this. She seems to be a littl bit jealous right now cuase as soon as i logged on she started pacing the floor by me and kept meowing, then when i didn't do anything she jumped up on my desked and walked on acrossed my laptop. She's funny and interesting kitty but cute.

The Desloges have been gone for the weekend so i've been cat sitting, so it's been interesting to say the least. I have a lot of funny cat stories. Like yesterday, Holly decided she wanted to play hide and seek, well not exactly. She had got in my closet without me knowing it and i closed it and went back downstairs for awhile. Well a couple hours later there was no sign or sound of Holly anywhere, so i started looking for her even went outside. i almost freaked out cause i couldn't find her anywhere, it would be horrible if the Desloges came back home and their kitty was missing. Anyway i went back upstairs and had to get something out of my closet and out jumps Holly and scares me half to death.

Then today i came downstairs and when i came in the kitchen she was on the kitchen table drinking the water out of the fish bowl. This was the 4th time I caught her doing this during the weekend. she doesn't like the fish but for some reason she likes the water in the fish bowl better then her water in her bowl. She is strange cat.

Now she's laying on my desk with her tail partly on my laptop so its hard for me to type. Anyway i should go for now the desloges should be back soon, holly will be sooo happy!!!