Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Another Exciting Adventure

My life is one big never ending adventure. It seems like there's never a dull moment, especially lately. During the weekend, i started to have a bad reaction to one of the medicine i'm taking. Basically I broke out in a hive like rash that started on my legs and then spread to my arms and now is on my neck and side. And it's still spreading. YUCK! So i had to go the ER on sunday. I really didn't want to but because of all the medicine i'm on i had to.

So i went and it didn't take the doctor long to figure out what was going on. It was an allergic reaction to one of the medicines but he couldn't figure out what one. So in the meantime i'm on another medicine, this one to help with the itching from the rash. And it works but I'm still itchy and it makes me extremely tired, sometimes too tired.

My adventure at the ER didn't last too long, only 2 1/2 hours. And we made it to church just in time for the very end of the message. After church we went to subway cause i hadn't ate dinner yet. And the medicine was started to kick in so i was completely zoneing out and thought i was going to fall asleep.


Bianka said...

Becca, did I tell you already how much I like your blog and the way it looks? :) I know, I know I told you earlier today as we were chatting, but I just wanted to write you a comment today. So, here we go! :) Miss you!