Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Crazy day

Well yesterday was another crazy day. Seems like my life has been extremely crazy latey, more like insane. Yesterday started off okay, i went to the Fire office had a good talk with one of my leaders. Then my mom picked me up, and i went with her to look for a new trailer/camper. They have one now but want to upgrade it becuase it's pretty old. Anyway we were out in the hot sun for a couple hours, and that started to make me sick. And that's when i started getting another miagrain. Well then we went to get something to eat, hopeing it would help me. But it didn't, i just kept feeling worse. So we went to the Er to get my second to last rabie shot ( i still have one left.). And i figure since i was already at the er that i would mention the miagrain i had so i could get some medicine for it. Well we were at the er till 8pm, about six hours. they ended up giving me an iv with narcotics to get rid of the headache. That's what they had to do last time.

The good news is that i went to my dr today about the miagrains. And i now have medicine i can take at home, so i don't have to go to the er when i get a miagrain. I have something to take when i'm nausace, something to take everyday to prevent them, and then something to take during the miagrain. so things should be ok soon hopefully.

Well that's it for now! I'll write another post later.