Thursday, July 07, 2005

It's raining!!

It's storming really bad right now. The rain is coming down so hard, plus it's windy so the wind is blowing it. I'm glad I'm inside, nice and dry. And i'm glad i'm not driving somewhere cuase it looks like you probably wouldn't be able to see well.

Today has been surprisely productive, inspite of how i'm feeling right now. I'm very sore from the rabie shots still. My arms and legs feel like lead, and i'm just in a lot of pain. I can walk around better today but i still can't walk upstairs yet. It's amazing to me that these shots can do this much to your body

Well like i said inspite of all that, i got alot done today. I went with my wonderful friend Christy to the FIRE office and helped her with some projects. And the first thing i got to do was create a power point. I've used power point before but not since high school. so i don't remember much about it but i did it. And it looks really cool!! So that's what i did today, it basically took up the whole day but it's done!!


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