Monday, July 04, 2005

I'm Not a Morning Person

Well it's days like today that i realize that i am not a morning person. Now i can make myself be a morning person if i have to , but this morning is not one of those times.

I was at the ER again last night till after 2 in the morning, and i had to get up at 7:30 this morning. this time i had to go to the er becuase i was told i had to have rabie shots. Remember the bat i wrote about in the last post? Well not only is there one stuck in the window but we found two more in the house. When my sister came home on saturday night from watching fireworks, there to greet her was a bat on the living room floor. And as that wasn't bad enough she went into the kitchen and there was another bat on the kitchen floor. So that makes a total of 3 bats in the house!!!! YUCK, EXTREMELY YUCKY!! Well all of this was going on while i was upstairs getting ready to go to bed. Well obviously we had to stay at a friends house that night. there was no way i was going to sleep in the house with the bats.

Anyway the next day i went out with a friend and my mom called to tell me that the health department went to the house and told Sarah, my sister that everyone living in the house has to have rabie shots. Well i wasn't too happy about that so i put it off as long as i could. Well we finally went to the ER around midnight and the dr's told me there that i don't have to get the shots!!! So i got out of it! Thank you Jesus!