Thursday, July 14, 2005

Late start

I just woke up! I've been awake for about an hour. I'm definately not a morning person. during the week when i'm at my sister's house, i don't have a lot to do. so i can sleep as much as i want to. It's good becuase there are nights when i don't sleep well, or can't fall asleep to after 1am. Then there are the times when i'm not feeling good or in pain and can't sleep at all. Oh well, enough of my babbling. I'm just glad i can sleep in when i need to.

since i was still feeling pretty good yesterday, i wanted to go the pool and relax a bit. This was the first time this summer that i've been able to go. My sister and the boys go all the time, and most of the times they've gone i've been sick. Normally i can't be outside for long when if it's hot, it makes me feel worse or i'll get a miagrain. So anyway we went up to the pool yesterday. It was hot but cloudy so the sun wasn't beating down on me. As soon as i got in the water it started raining. Then a few minutes later it thundered, and the life guard had everyone get out of the water. And then it thunderstormed. To make a long story short we packed up everything and went home. Maybe I'll try again and go to the pool today. We'll see.