Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Road Trip

Road Trip Time!! Tomorrow i head back to wonderful Charlotte! I've had a nice time in Jersey but i'm ready to get back to my so called normal life. I just don't want to deal with all the kaotic crazy circumstances that will be awaiting me when i get back. Dealing with all the bills( that i can't pay), the doctors ( who just frustrate me to no end), and the little things like moving on friday when i still can't find a truck, and constantly trying to figure out how i'm going to be able to do things and get to places when i can't drive( i'm still not used to it). sorry for the venting i'm a little bit frustrated with my life at this point. I enjoyed haveing some peace for a change, while i was here.

I should have some more peace when we get to our hotel tomorrow night. We're stopping somewhere in Virginia at a nice hotel. And we should be getting there sometime in the after noon so we can relax and do nothing but sit by the pool, and of course go out to dinner, hopefully at Outback Steakhouse. My mom said that there was one next to the hotel, so since she mentioned it i guess we'll be having dinner there. It should be fun.

i really should be sleeping right now since i have to wake up at 5am cause we;re leaving at 6:30. I would try to wake up a few minutes before we were leaving but i'm really slow that early in the morning. i'm so not a morning person, but i'm not really a night person either.

so i'm still babbling on here but i guess i'll stop cause it is getting late. well i probably won't be posting anything new for a couple of days, since i'll be traveling and then moving when i get back.


Bianka said...

Hey Becca! Read the last part of my post from today (August 10). I had a Scripture in Luke 8 jump out at me yesterday and I was thinking of you when I posted it today. God is a God of hope. There is always hope!! He's with you no matter what! Be encouraged! :)

Love you! Have a great trip back to NC. I am praying for you!!