Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Thank You Jesus!

Sorry it's been a few days since i last posted something. but this post should be worth the wait, cause it happened last night. Well yesterday morning i was feeling kinda weird, not quite sick yet but felt like i was going to be soon. Well by the afternoon, early evening i had another migraine. I had to go to our Alumni meeting that night, so i still went even though i was in alot of pain and felt really wiped out. Towards the end of the meeting they prayed for me for awhile and i felt God's presence but i still had the migraine. And that's something that i really don't understand, how i can be in God's presence and still be in pain. that's one of my million questions will i will save for another post. So back to my story, testimony... a little bit later, my friend Chad asked me if i was still in pain, so i told him that i was. So he prayed again, and kept praying till it left. And the migraine really went away, i was kinda surprised. I still felt wiped out from everything though. then later he prayed that i would have good night's sleep, which i really needed cuase i don't sleep well at all for the most part. And last night i sleep so good,it was wonderful!!!! and I didn't get a miagraine today at all. so thank You Jesus for touching me last night and today!!!! This is so cool!!